Elizabeth Meeshim Hogsten, MDiv
“Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we will ever do.”
– Brené Brown
My Story
I was the good child, the easy one, the obedient one. I was the oldest, and I always followed the rules and got along with everyone.
When my parents divorced when I was 10, God became my deepest source of comfort and strength. But as I went deeper into Christianity, my perfectionism also intensified. I didn’t want to disappoint God or risk losing connection with God.
My perfectionism fed into purity culture: I never dated, never even held a boy’s hand, and my clothes were never form-fitting and showed as little skin as possible. My perfectionism also affected my faith: I never doubted core doctrine, never disagreed with the Bible (only defended it), and certainly never questioned God.
It wasn’t until my early thirties when my pastors at the time were removed for spiritual abuse that I began to question.
Why had God led me to a church where I was mistreated? Why was I still single when I had always put God first? What was God really like? Had all my devotion to God been misplaced?
Initially, my goal was to “heal” and get back to having a “strong faith.” But as I continued on the journey of questioning, something else happened.
I began to notice numerous assumptions in my worldview that started to unravel. I began to notice numerous ways I was disconnected from myself and the damage those assumptions were causing. My relationship with God began to shift, and my perfectionism began to lift. Rather than aiming to live one particular way, I began to explore and experiment past the lines I had previously thought were acceptable. The world became less black-and-white, but it wasn’t gray––it was full of vibrant color.
My Credentials & Experience
Life Coach Certification - Lumia Life Coach Training (Oct 2023)
ICF-credentialed program
Master's of Divinity - Fuller Theological Seminary (Sept 2022)
Ministry Experience (12+ years)
Have preached internationally and locally, led worship, led teams and small groups, engaged in healing ministries, and ministered in over 9 countries.
My Values
In church, we often learn to dismiss ourselves, work ourselves weary, question ourselves, and even hate ourselves. Loving ourselves can feel selfish. But self-love not only deepens our own wholeness, but makes healthy, vibrant relationships with others possible, too.
Raw Honesty
Many of us learn to suppress parts of ourselves and our experiences to be accepted or seen as “normal.” Honesty, however, is key to healing and wholeness. Building self-trust, connection with our bodies, and safe relationships allows us to create safe containers in which to face the pain and move through it.
The Goodness of the Body
In church, we often learn that our bodies are evil, a source of sin. But God created our bodies with intrinsic goodness and amazing capabilities. Listening to our bodies and finding freedom, even pleasure, in our bodies is key in building deeper wholeness and agency.
Celebration & Noticing
Our brains are naturally wired to fixate on the negative to help us survive. This means we must intentionally learn to notice and hold the positive. There is always more to learn or accomplish, but don’t forget to remember how far you have already come! Celebration and gratitude help us build confidence and envision creative possibilities.
Letting Curiosity Lead
The evangelical church operates in black and white, in certainty. But when we start exploring with curiosity rather than assuming we know the answers, the world opens up in amazing ways.
Hi, I’m Elizabeth.
I help people navigate transitions that involve the most intimate areas of life: spirituality and romantic relationships. I help them process church hurt and harmful aspects of purity culture and learn new skills so they can move forward into dating and living with confidence, clarity, and resilience. In working with me, you will go deep, but also learn practical, tangible ways of moving forward into change and growth.