
Eliz Coaching

Move Forward from Religious Trauma & Church Hurt

Heal Your Wounds & Build a Meaningful Life after Controlling Religion

Are you frustrated by how much bad church experiences still affect you?

Do you hate how conflicted you feel about God, the church, and spirituality?

Perhaps you struggle with perfectionism or have a hard time disagreeing with others.

Perhaps you fear the eternal or social consequences of exploring new values or new ways of living.

What is Religious Trauma?

Religious Trauma is an umbrella term for harmful religious experiences. These experiences can cause overwhelming emotions, mental distress, and even physical symptoms.

Religious leaders can use spiritual concepts to control, manipulate, and coerce. Your sense of self can become enmeshed with the spiritual community. You are pressured to serve the organization in the name of God or a higher way of living. You are not allowed to disagree, have boundaries, or deviate from a strict norm. 

Many churches talk about love and grace while actually spreading fear and shame. These types of experiences can cause you to distrust yourself, over-extend yourself, be fearful of asking questions, or carry a deep level of shame or anxiety. 

How can I Move Forward?

Many believe that traumatic religious experiences will naturally fade over time. Or that finding a healthier church, or leaving the church entirely, will be enough to heal. Then they wonder why they struggle with overwhelming emotions, deep cynicism, or chronic fatigue.

Religious trauma is tricky to heal from because it affects our core beliefs about existence, self-worth, and about love and belonging

I spent years reeling from my own religious trauma. Ultimately, after much study, experimentation, and perseverance, I realized there are 5 key components needed to move forward from Religious Trauma. 

About Me

Hi, I’m Elizabeth! I am a spiritual abuse survivor with a Master’s of Divinity, a Life Coaching Certification, and over 12 years of ministry experience. I am a biracial, tenderhearted healer who is passionate about holding space for others, asking deep questions, and daring to explore what is possible.


“Elizabeth was able to help me gain clarity in an area of my life that I was feeling stuck in. She truly makes it feel like she is walking the path next to you.

– Katherine

“Elizabeth is warm and approachable, but also direct and intentional. She is a trustworthy listener and insightful presence.”

– Kate M.

“I felt comfortable with Elizabeth from the first time we talked. I was drawn to working with her by her ability to emotionally connect. Elizabeth is non-judgmental, understanding, and is able to read people’s needs intuitively.”

– Jamie S.

Imagine if you could Untangle your Complex Religious Experiences and Confidently Build a New Life

Bad religious experiences don’t have to define the rest of your life. Triggers, self-doubt, resentment, and pervasive anxiety don’t have to be your norm. Emotional freedom is possible. Mental clarity is possible. Physical wellness is possible. And reclaiming faith/spirituality as something you engage in alignment with your personal convictions and values is possible.

Want to explore the possibilities together? Learn more about my signature program by clicking the button below.

Find Hope, Clarity, and Empowerment after Religious Trauma without the Pressures of the Past